Sheila Dunne – Love in time of mania IV

‘Ma’m, step back and remove all your accessories: belts, shoes, scarf, cardigan! All toiletries in this bag, laptops, gadgets separate!’ the security officer said.

My heartbeat was random and I could hear the noise in my chest, but I couldn’t refrain from my poignant humor.

‘Does my S&M chastity device infringe any air security regulations?’

The security man didn’t look at all amused by my rude joke in that rainy cold morning, but I could see a female officer giggling  while approaching.

‘Steve, I’ll check the lady!’ and she whispered towards me: ‘He’s an unhappy divorced misogynist!’

Ah well, so was I, the complementary version. But I just kept quiet, as I wanted to get through this awkward airport process, that since 9/11 and other Middle East conflicts became exactly what I called a pain in the arse caused by constipation rather than a 20 cm.

Hector was behind me, but I tried not to talk to him, I wanted to get through that as anonymously as I could be.

Passport check… my hands were sweating, my ears were deaf, or at least all I could hear was a continuous painful whistle in my eardrum. I handed my passport.

‘Hi Zaza. Why are you travelling to London?’

‘Oh… is not free travel without interrogations within EU borders?’ I asked, forcing a neutral tone, not angry, not worried.

‘Indeed… just your face looks familiar!’

In my mind was:’No shit, don’t tell me Sheila Dunne is famous!’ Then I immediately panicked. ‘Did Ecio report my disappearing?’

‘Yeah, I have your typical Irish nose freckles and red hair. Red hair is a lie… I am getting this color in hairdressing salon!’

The man laughed and handed back my passport.

‘No… you look like my ex, Sheila was her name!’

‘What a stupid coincidence!’ I was thinking.

He handed me the passport and I flirted with him for a split second… then I disappeared in duty free area, with e relief sigh.

‘Zaza… or Sheila, who the hell are you?’ Hector smuggled me, and I could feel his powerful hand holding me like a light good. He looked scared, or worried, or both.

‘Do you realise I am a public person and whatever your game is, will get both of us in trouble? You need to tell me the truth…no, wrong wording! You have to tell me the truth!’

I looked at this enormous man, I felt his power through his voice and his grasp. It was turning me on, it was freaking me out! I started to cry and he covered my face, hugging me.

‘Sheila, you need to trust me, even if it’s just for a small percentage or no particular reason!’

‘How do you know Sheila is the real one?’

‘Because when I talk to Sheila she’s what I want to take care of. She is mysterious in a good way, unlike Zaza in the evil way. Is just who you are!’

‘Then, if you know who I am, why are you asking me?’

‘I am not asking you who you are, I am asking you to accept who you are!’

‘ I am both… no good, no evil. Or evil and good. Take me with you or leave me here. I accept who I am, but will you?’