Seria Deviantă. Aida

Cu tine în faţă, azi chiar pari un înger, 

pup mâinile arse, evit ochii fulger

ating un minut trupul mut de femeie,

dar nu eşti, nu eşti. Eşti iad şi scânteie

mă prinzi de gât, eu cad tot la glezne

ce foame de pulpe, ce sete de bezne,

Aida, chiar eu ţi-am adus un cuţit

pentru show-ul final am venit…

Gest cumplit – 

Aida, nu-mi spune te rog adevărul,

Adam şi-a dorit oricum şi el mărul,

Jupoaie-mă brusc, vreau să mor fericit, 

Am cunoscut şi iadul şi tot l-am iubit.

Silvia Chicos

Seria Deviantă. Aida

Cu tine în faţă, azi chiar pari un înger,
pup mâinile arse, evit ochii fulger
ating un minut trupul mut de femeie,
dar nu eşti, nu eşti. Eşti iad şi scânteie
mă prinzi de gât, eu cad tot la glezne
ce foame de pulpe, ce sete de bezne,
Aida, chiar eu ţi-am adus un cuţit
pentru show-ul final am venit…

Gest cumplit –

Aida, nu-mi spune te rog adevărul,
Adam şi-a dorit oricum şi el mărul,
Jupoaie-mă brusc, vreau să mor fericit,
Am cunoscut şi iadul şi tot l-am iubit.

Silvia Chicis

Prolog (Penitenta)

Eram in mijlocul actiunii, cand Sol incepuse sa ma frece la icre la modul cel mai patetic:
– Mai jos, mai sus?
– Mai taci şi mai du-te dracu! Zic eu, impingand hoitul!
-Bai, esti instabila ca vremea!
– Si tu incert ca timpul de futut!
Am luat lopata cu nadejde, cand m-am prins ca mormolocul asta in skinny jeans si cu manichiura facuta n-o sa mişte decat un sentiment urban de manelista. Era inca lumina şi ploua adânc in Pustnicu! Ma dezbracasem sa nu las urme! La urma toata, cand el e ‘mort’, femeia pleaca mereu uscata de la locul faptei.
– Mai repetam o data cum a inceput totul?
Sol era mereu atent la detalii, si ma cunostea bine cand mint! De altfel, minţeam mereu, dar el nu stia, deci isi asumase un adevar fals, si cantarea in functie de el!
In amurgul dens am inchis ochii si am inceput sa plang. Departe se auzea sirena salvarii! Am auzit in scurt timp cheile catuşelor, si vocea sleita a lui Sol:
– Iarta-ma Aida! Iarta-ma!


Capitolul 1 – Matroana

Deseori imi imaginez ca viata de penitenciar e exclusiv gandita pentru barbati, pentru ca in ea nu isi are locul maimutareala asta sordida cu ursuleti de plus, mohair si broderii kitschoase care imi provoaca voma cerebrala. Ceea ce vreau sa spun este ca spre deosebire de penitenciarele cu barbati, aici colcaie a roz, a tipete de distruse cu aere de sefe peste alte suflete ostracizate in prag de defeminizare. Mai sunt patruzeci si patru de zile pana la sentinta finala. Patruzeci si patru de zile cu mine, daca ar fi s-o dau in filozofie de doi lei. De fapt sunt patruzeci si patru de zile in care procurorul va lupta sa ma scoata vinovata de crima si eu va trebui sa-l ascult pe Sol smiorcaindu-se sa accept vizitele psihologului si ale avocatului apararii.  Nu sunt resemnata, dar nu vad cum ar putea ajuta. Nu cred in institutii, nu cred in oameni, nu cred in Dumnezeu.

Cand am ajuns in penitenciar, aveam oarecum o atitudine de snoaba, curata, provocatoare, cu haine la moda si cu mult peste media de educatie pentru o condamnata. Asta era in prima zi. Tot atunci o stirba pe la vreo treizeci si cinci de ani m-a luat de gat, prieteneste, sa-mi ceara o tigara.

  • Nu fumez!
  • Fa, aici chiar daca nu fumezi, ai tigari! Intelegi? Aici nu mai vin amantii sa-ti deschida usa la limuzina. Papusa, aici, cum s-ar spune, esti pe pizda ta! Pricepi?

O priveam in ochi si ii simteam tremurul din voce in incercarea de a mi se impuna, inainte sa ma impun. Am fixat-o in priviri, apoi am luat-o incet in brate, sa nu atrag atentia vreunui gardian. I-am soptit la ureche, tinand-o erotic de parul sleit si scurt:

  • Papusa a ajuns in cimitirul asta, pentru ca e experta in scos ochii stirbelor! Asa ca plimba-ti hotul si cand faci rost de tigari, adu-mi si mie una!

Nu mult de la incident, Constanta, caci asa o chema pe stirba, a intrat in altercatie cu o drogangita din Pantelimon care i-a mai rupt doi dinti, i-a spart buza si, ca sa-l citez pe doctorul penitenciarului, a machiat-o profesionist cu echimoze inflorite ca niste panselute pe toata fata, urata de altfel oricum.

  • A mancat-o-n cur! Zice Matroana frecand un ness cremos si de calitate. Constanta asta e ca un pechinez: mic, isteric si agresiv! Io i-am spus din prima zi: Fa, potoloeste-te, ca ai sa mananci terci cu paiul! Io am prevenit-o! Acu’ sa sufere ca proasta! Da’ ce ma enerveaza e ca schiorlaie toata noaptea ca o catea in calduri si-mi aduce aminte de tarfele pe care le-am crescut la tata mea si care m-au tradat ca Iuda! Ma-ntelegi?

Cassandra, dupa numele ei de tiganca dat de al doilea ei sot si Otilia dupa numele de romanca (caci tiganizarea i-a survenit prin casatorie), Matroana era la „discoteca de fete”, cum o numeam eu, de vreo 7 ani si mai avea inca pe atat. Era cea mai renumita femeie proxenet din Europa si pana nu demult, invartea zeci de mii de euro pe zi, barbati, femei, procurori, politie si o droaie de politicieni. Matroana era si inca este o femeie frumoasa si ingrijita, cu parul lung si des, cu ochii negri si veseli, cu ceva studii superioare incepute, dar lasate la mijloc, pentru ca vezi tu, seva euroiului e mai dulce decat seva intelepciunii! Acum, dupa 7 ani de pocainta, spunea ca nu regreta nimic si  ca daca ar lua-o de la capat singurul lucru pe care l-ar schimba ar fi, ca n-ar mai fute un prost, adica pe al doilea ei sot, care era la racoare pentru aceleasi crime.

  • Tu esti cam firava mama! Unde te doare? Ma intreaba Matroana, schimband subiectul ultimei batai de pe palier.
  • Nu ma doare nicaieri, imi adun gandurile!
  • Oho, ia si soarbe o cafea buna! Curand ai sa inveti ce privilegiu scump e cafeaua! De ganduri ai sa ai timp, sa le iei, sa le intorci pe dos si sa le speli intestinele cu detergent de vase! Crima ziceai, nu? Pai mama… ai sa mucegaiesti aci, cu tot cu ganduri!
  • N-a fost cu premeditare! Dau eu sa ma justific (sa fie primul semn de regret si de a incerca sa lupt pentru libertatea mea? Dar chiar asa era, nu premeditasem, doar s-a intamplat sa am o noapte… furtunoasa), dar ma intrerupe Matroana.
  • Crima e crima! Asa mi-am inceput si eu apararea cand m-a intrebat judecatorul:

Recunoasteti ca timp de 16 ani ati exploatat femei dar si barbati care ofereau servicii sexuale iar dumneavoastra ati beneficiat de veniturile survenite in urma acestor servicii?”

„Domnule Judecator, fetele s-au futut pentru bani nu pentru mine!”

  • Stii ce-a zis? A inceput sa rada si a zis: „Si ce bre, matale erai cu licenta de institutie financiara si le luai taxa pe depozitele de bani?” Si atunci m-am enervat si i-am zis ca le-am invatat pe fete sa si-o dea mai scump decat un suc la bar si o plimbare cu masina! Na poftim! Proasta de mine, le-am vrut binele doar!

Matroana ma facea sa rad cu pofta la povestile ei pline de umor si vulgaritate, dar cat se poate de adevarate. N-as exagera sa spun ca toate povestile din puscarie par extraordinare, oarecum desprinse din file de Dosarele X, file de istorie si jurnale de crime greu de imaginat. Bine, mai erau si crimele pasionale cu topor si alcool din Vaslui, dar astea erau dramele cotidiene ale prostilor, la care se jeleau babele de oras la ora 5 si a doua zi la cafeaua turceasca tare si presarata cu ultimul episod din Suleyman.

  • Si zici ca stii politai corupti care te-au ajutat timp de 16 ani sa tii afacerea? O intreb pe Matroana, pentru ca brusc, imi venise o idee geniala!
  • Asa se zice! Vorba fie intre noi, pe multi mai mult i-am ajutat eu. Era sansa lor sa futa ceva uman si moca. Salariul lor mizer si fata lor de duzina de borcane n-ar fi deschis nici supapa de la o gonflabila! Zice matroana, parca mandra de isprava ei si incepe sa rada cu pofta.
  • .. da’ tu ce tot ma descosi? Pui ceva la cale?
  • Nah, doar o fantezie politieneasca! Incerc sa glumesc, mai mult pentru ca nu aveam inca totul conturat in minte si nu vroiam sa ma pronunt gresit.

Cafeaua ne este brusc intrerupta de apelul de pranz. Nu mi-e foame, dar n-am voie sa protestez si nici n-am voie sa stau in celula singura cand se serveste masa. Ma ganeam la ce-mi spusese Sol cand am vrut sa merg in armata: „Aida, armata inseamna obedienta si reguli, iar tu cum auzi de astea doua cuvinte cum o iei in sens opus! Stii cum sunt jucariile alea cu arc? Cu cat le impingi mai aproape de baza arcului cu atat sar mai departe fix in directia opusa! Ei… tu esti o jucarie cu arc, iar armata ar fi exact forta aplicata pe sensul tau de mers!” Sol avea al naibii de dreptate si asta ma enerva al naibii de mult! De cand eram inchisa de cate ori trebuia sa raspund la apel cuvintele lui Sol imi zornaiau in minte ca o banda stricata. As fi banuit chiar ca Sol e posibil sa ma cunoasca, sa stie cine sunt si ce vreau si unde ma indrept. Ce prostie! Asta nici macar eu nu stiu!

Unde esti Sol, sa ma vezi in „armata”? imi zic in gand. Si-ai sa vezi c-am sa ma intorc barbat!





Spilled love

‘I married yesterday, but please

Give me again your love tomorrow,

I promise I will hold my tears,

None will see us, the street is narrow!’


‘You married yesterday, but please,

Release my soul, don’t let me follow,

You cursed me with this hard disease,

That keeps this cancer growing slow!’


‘My baby, summer was so long,

And deeply wished your Chevrolet,

Would drive us faraway and wrong

Would take us where I can forget!’


‘My baby, summer was so short,

I deeply wished I was prepared,

To use my money on one shot,

To stop the day when you got married!’




Paradise Tramp


When you are going to do it,
Allow her to keep the decency,
In her cheap lace dress, burgundy,
Forgive her for belonging to all,
On the open road, for few pennies,
With her cracked smile to cracked souls,
Half naked white flesh and dumb,
Happy to enjoy an expensive cigar
And knee down to the God of unpaid bills.

When you are going to do it,
Let her keep this mortal figure,
Do not desecrate her jowl,
And don’t spill her limbs
She will have enough money,
If you gently reveal her garter,
To buy a decent trip to her after life job:
Jolie, The Tramp Of Paradise!

Sheila Dunne – Love in time of mania IV

‘Ma’m, step back and remove all your accessories: belts, shoes, scarf, cardigan! All toiletries in this bag, laptops, gadgets separate!’ the security officer said.

My heartbeat was random and I could hear the noise in my chest, but I couldn’t refrain from my poignant humor.

‘Does my S&M chastity device infringe any air security regulations?’

The security man didn’t look at all amused by my rude joke in that rainy cold morning, but I could see a female officer giggling  while approaching.

‘Steve, I’ll check the lady!’ and she whispered towards me: ‘He’s an unhappy divorced misogynist!’

Ah well, so was I, the complementary version. But I just kept quiet, as I wanted to get through this awkward airport process, that since 9/11 and other Middle East conflicts became exactly what I called a pain in the arse caused by constipation rather than a 20 cm.

Hector was behind me, but I tried not to talk to him, I wanted to get through that as anonymously as I could be.

Passport check… my hands were sweating, my ears were deaf, or at least all I could hear was a continuous painful whistle in my eardrum. I handed my passport.

‘Hi Zaza. Why are you travelling to London?’

‘Oh… is not free travel without interrogations within EU borders?’ I asked, forcing a neutral tone, not angry, not worried.

‘Indeed… just your face looks familiar!’

In my mind was:’No shit, don’t tell me Sheila Dunne is famous!’ Then I immediately panicked. ‘Did Ecio report my disappearing?’

‘Yeah, I have your typical Irish nose freckles and red hair. Red hair is a lie… I am getting this color in hairdressing salon!’

The man laughed and handed back my passport.

‘No… you look like my ex, Sheila was her name!’

‘What a stupid coincidence!’ I was thinking.

He handed me the passport and I flirted with him for a split second… then I disappeared in duty free area, with e relief sigh.

‘Zaza… or Sheila, who the hell are you?’ Hector smuggled me, and I could feel his powerful hand holding me like a light good. He looked scared, or worried, or both.

‘Do you realise I am a public person and whatever your game is, will get both of us in trouble? You need to tell me the truth…no, wrong wording! You have to tell me the truth!’

I looked at this enormous man, I felt his power through his voice and his grasp. It was turning me on, it was freaking me out! I started to cry and he covered my face, hugging me.

‘Sheila, you need to trust me, even if it’s just for a small percentage or no particular reason!’

‘How do you know Sheila is the real one?’

‘Because when I talk to Sheila she’s what I want to take care of. She is mysterious in a good way, unlike Zaza in the evil way. Is just who you are!’

‘Then, if you know who I am, why are you asking me?’

‘I am not asking you who you are, I am asking you to accept who you are!’

‘ I am both… no good, no evil. Or evil and good. Take me with you or leave me here. I accept who I am, but will you?’


I’ll make her mine

I saw her twice and liked her voice,

This woman broke my knees and chance,

I hope at least, I dream to live,

This sorrow sinful dark romance!


She didn’t tell me yes or no,

Nor she avoids my begging lips,

I’ve been her friend since years ago,

I’ve been her guilty pleasure sins.


This married woman chained my heart,

She neither takes or let me go!

I have her body, lust of art,

I wish I’d have her velvet soul!


Tonight I’ll see her once again,

I swear I’ll kiss her for last time

I’ll put a bullet in her brain,

To make her mine. I’ll make her mine!









Love in the time of mania III

He never meant to, but in my mind I constantly felt like a stupid doll, there in front of Hector, a quite respectable man I was a runaway immature girl watching his lips talking about history of Gresham. The move was erotic and I was on a high mood.

‘Thomas Gresham, the founder of the hotel, was an abandoned child’ he whispered, almost like trying not to break my silence.

‘Who? I came from my far away thoughts, sipping from my wine.

‘Gresham, the businessman who set up this historic building where at 7:30 pm I am enjoying quite a good time with this blue eyed mysterious…girl!?’



‘Oh dear…don’t worry, after midnight I will not reveal a cock under my pants. Yeah, I am a woman, almost!’ I replied with a smug face.

‘Ha, ha, ha! that’s not the point. Tell me, is a woman like you single?’

I didn’t let my expression change, I just couldn’t risk it. I moved my chair closer, I closed my eyed, I mechanically started to kiss him and like a fool, I tried to stay awake, I tried to be cerebral, but he touched my face, he danced my dance, and I was drunk, ‘danger drunk’.

I asked what floor is his room and he handed me the magnetic card, hypnotized, a shy whisper: ‘Third floor, I will follow you!’




After ‘Hector episode’ I was sick for days. Even Katy couldn’t take me out of that mood, haunting me since childhood.

‘Was he that handsome?’ she tried to investigate the gravity.

‘He was alright. He asked me to go for dinner, but he never asked for my number, nor my surname, and as usual, neither did I. So, stop worrying, we will never see each other again. He works in England.’ I tried to avoid and close the ‘Hector’ subject.

‘Sheila, why are you still in this house, if you are unhappy?’

‘I hate when you start this. Why are you still eating ice-cream, if you hate being fat? Why are you still living, if you are going to die? WHY WHY WHY? Do you really think everything we do with our life has a logical explanation? Do you really think, I don’t have feelings? I do. Mostly of hate. I hate Ecio, I hate his prison, I hate he can control my mind, I hate he can still make me love him. So I will let him love me until I will destroy him!’

‘Sheila, let’s go for a walk! You need fresh air! Said Katy, realizing she made a goof, but I started to cry. I cried until I fell asleep in Katy’s lap.

I woke up five hours later, Katy was making tea. There was a deep silence and darkness in the room, so I jumped out of the sofa.

‘Damn, you scared me!’ said Katy, with a lost expression.

‘Do I look that bad?’

‘You are so vain Sheila! No, you don’t look bad, you just suddenly came alive and walking and I purely didn’t expect that!’

I gave up listening to the sense of Katy’s words. She was so beautiful, with her worried big eyes, with her silky lips moving. I loved her naturally red plump lips but hated her old fashion clothing. Her boho maroon dresses and her green cardigans were from my grand-grandmother era. She didn’t care! All for the comfort of cotton and silk. What I liked though, was her old fashion cotton undies, white and soft and the fact she would always wear a no sponge sport bra. Intimately she was so boyish, exactly the opposite of my usual lace trampy underwear, hosiery and suspender belts, under my usual jeans and t-shirts, because I was too lazy to iron anything and because Ecio would put too many questions if I would attempt to go out too sexy.

‘Katy, stay with me tonight! Please…like old days! Movies? Popcorn? Some cheap wine?’

‘Sheila, you need to rest, and no alcohol, you are still drugged!’




‘Ugh, you manipulative lil’ bitch!’

‘I knew it!’

I can’t remember what exactly we did watch, except the wine and the flavor of her skin… I missed to give love without being questioned, without having a man curious eyes like magnifying glasses all over me looking for weaknesses, looking for faults and imperfections, looking to own me. Close after midnight, Ecio came home, he slept in the study room, because the bed was full of white love, there was no space for a dark man!